What might you expect from our analyzer? When it comes to fixed index annuities there are a couple of different items to illustrate. One of the key items is how will the income rider work? What can you rely on? Keep in mind these fixed index annuities are backed by the strength and claims paying ability of the insurance company that sold it. The Fixed Indexed Annuity Calculator Saratoga is designed to support people in understanding what to potentially expect from the annuity they have or are considering.
Fixed index annuity calculator – Saratoga
We have custom tools that will model or illustrate the various income riders. We can, with one of the tools, enter the data of the particular client. We then can determine which annuities will perform the best – that is which income rider meets this clients needs.
Other tools take the current annuity parameters and look at how the product would have performed in the past.
Annuity Phases
When we talk about annuities there are two basic phases of annuities – accumulation and income. What is most important to you and your situation is what we work on first. Do you need accumulation or income? How about accumulation followed by income?
Your privacy is our top concern. We don’t share your information with anyone else – only our team, specifically, only one person will ever contact you regarding your request here. Most websites sell you to many other advisors, we’ll never do that.
Please tell us about your annuity
Please tell us a little about your fixed index annuity by completing the form below. We may need to ask you additional questions. Therefore we request your cell phone number, if you have one, please. We need your best contact number.
You may receive a phone call from one of our representatives.
[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Product you are considering’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Your date of birth (needed for accurate illustrations)’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Best contact phone (prefer cell phone to minimize phone tag)’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Amount – not required%26#x002c; we will illustrate $100k’ type=’text’/][contact-field label=’Comment – what else might we need?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]
Our other sites may provide useful information too – iXray Retirement – annuities