Why a fixed index annuity might be a good fit

For starters, annuities are not right for everyone.  Variable annuities are almost never appropriate.  With that said, this post is about Why a fixed index annuity might be a good fit.

There are many resources on the Internet.  This one is an ad on a TV station’s website.  http://www.kvoa.com/story/32402529/fixed-index-annuities-right-for-your-retirement-plan.

The ad seems to be pretty legit.  It is however an ad.  Be careful when researching annuities and the comments you receive.  Some people swear by annuities and some people swear at them!  I’m neither – I look to see what the client needs, what are their concerns, what gaps exist and how to fill or close those gaps.  When people hear this – the feel reassured.

If you could see a plan that took your concerns and gaps into account, would that help you?

This ad that I am sharing talks about four aspects of Fixed Index Annuities.  1) locking in gains, 2) Growth for income, 3) protected from retirement challenges, 4) Your money lives on.

First of all – the ad is missing tons of disclosure and disclaimer.   The ad also makes or eludes to a promise “all”. In California all ads must include the producers California Insurance License – minor, yes.

Who is making the guarantees?

Who is Horter Investment Management and why are they mentioned?

Why a fixed index annuity might be a good fit

Why do I think a Fixed Index Annuity may be a good fit?  Similar points that the ad is making.  There are guarantees to these products.  The guarantee is backed by the strength and claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.

Compliance – huge concern in my view.  There are so many people peddling product who don’t produce an actual plan.  We pride ourselves in producing plans that show our confidence or lack of confidence in your retirement.

If you would like a plan and not a product peddler – give us a shot!  Call our office or schedule a call here:  https://calendly.com/rickloek – I look forward to speaking soon.

Our office number is 408.459.8383