Annuity Issues – I subscribe to these interesting emails from an “insurance only” financial planner. He sends out emails with these zingers for subject lines.
Here are a few samples:
“This could double your retirement income*” — What is up with that asterisk?
“Odd comparison”
“I hate to tell you this”
“Questions about your Variable Annuity”
“Compare Annuity Rates & Earn 20-40% More Potential Income”
“How to Legally ‘Opt Out’ of Federal Income Taxes”
“Don’t Sweat a potential sell-off, just plan for it”
“7 Key Facts About Annuities”
“Bad News”
“Hurry – Take your money and RUN!”
These are all very creative email subjects for someone who only knows one product. That product is an annuity, he *may* have many to annuities he can write. The question is which one does he write overwhelmingly? Why?
On a brighter note – we only include annuities if the math make sense.
With both eyes open we can see the hidden agenda’s in people’s messages. Napoleon Hill created a list of questions to ask yourself about who wrote the content. The basic point is to understand the intention.
My intention is to inform people about their options – holistically. That is we address five key elements to an effective financial future. Once you are educated, you can make your informed decision.
Imagine you are working with someone who knows one product, say a hammer. What will that person sell you? Hammers and nails. If you worked with a person who knows hammers, screws, staples, glue, etc – they will help educate you on the use of each tool. Then you buy the best tool for the job currently before you.
* Oh, that asterisk. It is likely some CYA about the products being protected by insurance companies, the the FDIC. Oh well, we disclose everything as our accountability is that of the fiduciary standard (the highest of all financial standards).