Jackson National Life Insurance Company

Jackson National Life Insurance Company has introduced a new income rider.  The income rider can be attached or added to their Fixed Index Annuity, the Jackson AscednerPlus Select.

For those who don’t yet know what an income rider is, it is a feature set that can be added to an annuity or may be integrated into an annuity.  This annuity I am speaking of is called a Fixed Indexed Annuity.  This is type of annuity protects the clients premium from market losses.  For the most part the only way a Fixed Indexed Annuity can lose money is by the owner surrendering the policy and incurring a surrender charge.  If a client has to surrender a policy it would imply that the original plan for the annuity may not have been solid or life’s challenges forced someone’s hand.

There is a full article for your consideration on MarketWatch.com

If you are considering an annuity or if you have already purchased an annuity, consider getting a second opinion.  We can provide an objective analysis of annuities, show the features that work for you and point out areas to be aware of.

Simply fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back in touch with you

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MetLife QLAC (Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract)

Some people can benefit from having some of their IRA or 401k money sheltered from required distributions.  The Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract (QLAC) allows the owner to postpone taking income from the age 70 1/2 to as late as the age 85.

There are just a few companies who have created products that allow for this to happen.MetLife QLAC

MetLife QLAC

Chances are the MetLife annuity has

A few reasons to consider acquiring a QLAC:

  • Postpone income as long as possible
  • if you have a concern of running out of money later in life
  • You simply don’t need or want the income

If you believe you fit one of those needs or know of another need or justification for a QLAC, let us know.

Here is our interest form:

[contact-form][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Best contact number’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’What questions might you have?’ type=’textarea’/][/contact-form]

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QLAC – 101 the basics

QLACs were in a design and regulatory definition phase for a while.  There are many reasons to consider a QLAC (Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract).  The regulations and guidelines were finalized and released in July 2014.

QLAC 101 the basics

In a nutshell, a QLAC allows the owner to shelter part of the IRA from required distributions.  When an IRA/401k owner reaches the age of 70 1/2 they must start taking distributions.  If they don’t need the money they may want to put that money into a QLAC.

QLAC annuity analyzerIf they want to ensure they never run out of money, this *might* fit.  It is likely that another annuity will be a much better fit.  Then the question becomes, which annuity is best.  Well, that depends on several factors.  W use something sophisticated, it is called math & logic, to analyze what is the best fit for each client.  Call and ask to speak with one of our annuity analysts.  We don’t share nor sell your information – you will only ever have one person to speak with from our company.


If you would like for us to help you determine what is the best fit for you, call us.  We can assist you for free or maybe a small fee, if you prefer.


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Allianz – promotes from within

Allianz is, from what I can tell, an amazing company.  We were able to visit their United States campus in August of 2014.  I would also echo that they would be a great company to work for.  This article touches on Allianz being one of the top 100 US companies to work for.


We have been working with Allianz since we first entered the financial services industry.  We believe very strongly in seeking out the very best solution for each client based on the clients needs.  Sometimes it is Allianz, sometimes the best solution is with another company.

Allianz - annuity review
Free booklet on annuities

How can you tell if your advisor chose the best for you?

Call and ask for our no-obligation analysis.  The first annuity you have can be evaluated using our objective criteria.

Call toll-free and ask to speak with an annuity analyst – 866-589-9366

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Lincoln National Life Insurance Company upgraded

Lincoln National was upgraded from a sell to a hold by Zacks.  Zacks provides investment resources.

You can read more about Zack’s reasoning here

Lincoln National is an insurance company providing life insurance, annuities and various variable life products.  Variable life products, as the name may imply, fluctuate with the various holdings (sub-accounts).  Basically, buyer beware.

We don’t endorse nor suggest purchasing Lincoln Products nor stock.  We are simply sharing information that may be useful to you, the reader.

As always, past performance is not an indicator nor promise of the future.

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company upgraded

If you already have a variable annuity product from Lincoln we would be honored to provide a no-cost, no obligation personalized report of your annuity. Simply call us as we need some specific information about your annuity.

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company
Richard Loek – our founder
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Magic Johnson invests in EquiTrust

Magic Johnson invests in fixed index annuity company EquiTrustEquiTrust is an insurance company that, among other products, has Fixed Index Annuities (FIA).  Magic Johnson’s firm purchased a controlling interest in the company, EquiTrust.

Magic Johnson invests

I for one like that such a known figure as Magic Johnson invests in this industry.  Likely this will bring superstar index annuity purchases too.

Fixed Index Annuity

A fixed Index Annuity or FIA (formerly called an Equity Index Annuity or EIA) have characteristics where the consumer may participate in market upside and reduce if not eliminate market downside risk.  There are no hidden fees in FIA’s.  Variable annuities have sullied the annuity market by containing fees that are only exposed if you can read through the multi-page prospectus.  If you have a variable annuity we may be able to help you escape from it.  We know we can help you fully understand and expose the fees.

You can read an article about Magic Johnson’s investment in EquiTrust.

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Banks were winning over annuities

This article is interesting.  People were letting the banks hold their money for lower returns.  The consumers seem to have felt they would be deprived of better returns should interest rates increase.

We have located a fixed annuity that will deliver at least 3% for the life of the contract and increase the rate if new business starts getting a higher rate.  Amazing.  If you would like a better rate of return – call us.  We might be able to help you.  Of course, standard disclaimers about insurance products apply, namely that they are backed by the issuing company, not FDIC insured.


If you are looking for a better interest rate

our contact information

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Lincoln OptiBlendSMProvides Control, Flexibility and Choice

annuities exposed
Free booklet on annuities

Accumulation and preservation of your principal.  Might you think this is a couple of benefits you would like with your retirement assets?

This product seems to offer what most want, an income rider that will allow for you, the owner, to have income for the rest of your life.  There are many products with income riders.  Your needs are not the same as the next person.  That is why we take great steps to help ensure your needs and interests are protected.

We enjoy seeing new products enter the market.  Creativity is key to our business.

Comprehensive Review

Read a comprehensive review of this Lincoln annuity here

Please note, this is not an offer to sell.  This is simply a brief review of a new product.  Should you be interested, please call 866-589-9366 toll-free and we will help you determine if this is a fit or should you consider other options.

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Allianz Life Insurance Annuity

Annuities are not for everyone!  If an agent is saying, “buy mine, buy mine, buy mine”  Make this statements and listen closely to the response, “Show me the four other companies you considered and explain why this is THE annuity for me!”

We work on the fiduciary side of the business.  We put the clients interests first each and every time.  We want you, if you become one, our client to be our fan for life.Picture2

This video gives a high level view of annuities – Not say Allianz is THE company, but they make some great marketing materials for sure.  We would certainly consider the Allianz Life Insurance Annuity line for our clients.  We perform comparisons across annuity companies to determine what best fits your needs, if anything.


If you would like an evaluation of any annuity you are considering, please fill out this form.  PRIVACY is our number one concern – we will never sell or share your information with anyone, PERIOD!

Well, yes, I am sure you would prefer to get an quote in real time.  As you will see below, there is too much that needs to be taken into account.  Our solemn promise is this – we will not sell nor share your information.  Most of the websites you’ll see will gleefully sell your information to eight or more other sites, who will then, sell your information again.  We are not in that business, we are in the Financial Planning Business – creating respect & dignity with each person.

NOTE: Allianz is simply one of the multitude of companies available.  Allianz clearly is a leader in this area and has created amazing marketing materials as well as products.  Rest assured, we’ll show you various annuities that may fit your needs.  We are also a registered investment advisor firm – you may not know what this means.  In a nutshell, we are required by law to put your interests above all others.

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Annuity Issues

Annuity Issues – I subscribe to these interesting emails from an “insurance only” financial planner.  He sends out emails with these zingers for subject lines.

Here are a few samples:

“This could double your retirement income*” — What is up with that asterisk?

“Odd comparison”

“I hate to tell you this”

“Questions about your Variable Annuity”

“Compare Annuity Rates & Earn 20-40% More Potential Income”

“How to Legally ‘Opt Out’ of Federal Income Taxes”

“Don’t Sweat a potential sell-off, just plan for it”

“7 Key Facts About Annuities”

“Bad News”

“Hurry – Take your money and RUN!”

These are all very creative email subjects for someone who only knows one product.  That product is an annuity, he *may* have many to annuities he can write.  The question is which one does he write overwhelmingly?  Why?


On a brighter note – we only include annuities if the math make sense.

With both eyes open we can see the hidden agenda’s in people’s messages.  Napoleon Hill created a list of questions to ask yourself about who wrote the content.  The basic point is to understand the intention.

My intention is to inform people about their options – holistically.  That is we address five key elements to an effective financial future.  Once you are educated, you can make your informed decision.

Imagine you are working with someone who knows one product, say a hammer.  What will that person sell you?  Hammers and nails.  If you worked with a person who knows hammers, screws, staples, glue, etc – they will help educate you on the use of each tool. Then you buy the best tool for the job currently before you.

* Oh, that asterisk.  It is likely some CYA about the products being protected by insurance companies, the the FDIC.  Oh well, we disclose everything as our accountability is that of the fiduciary standard (the highest of all financial standards).

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